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Monday, July 26, 2010

Stick to lucky numbers---Success

Do you know numerology and the power of numbers?I am afraid most perpons don't believe these things till now.For the large majority of us, numbers are definitely used to mathematically define the quantity of things instead of meaning something essential.
First of all, mathematics is a useful tool used within several scientific fields, not just natural science, to form and solve different problems. But as we will soon discover here, some people put a lot of faith in the power of numbers and there might be a lot more to the numbers than you might expect.This ,however, requires an advanced level of math skills and unless you have a Master's degree in abstract algebra, this stuff will, as goes for the most of us, just fly right over your head.
But let's come back to the lucky numbers again.
Just take this thing for example, when the Summer Olympics of 2008 was to start off in China, officials chose to hold the opening ceremonies at 8:00pm on August 8, 2008.
Obviously, the number 8 is a sign of riches in Chinese culture and therefore, the Olympics of 2008 were to begin at eight o'clock on the 8th day of the 8th month, in the 8th year of the new millennium. Obviously, numerology is very much present in today's society, even though a large part of us tend to write it off as plain nonsense.
For some unknown reason, I personally hold the number seven as a specific lucky number. And at the same time the very same number is not to be said out loud at the craps tables in Vegas. The mere mentioning of 7 is believed to cause serious bad luck to the whole table.
So when you do something about numbers,such as gambling or online games,just stick to lucky numbers,then you are not far away from your financial success!

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