casino house

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chinese "Fu II" hang around the casino

Chinese in South Africa as one of the main targets of robbery, a large reason is that too many Chinese big spenders in the casino. A lot of kidnapping, extortion, murder and gambling are related.
Chinese, probably in the last century to the late '90s a large number of South African gold, persevered in all a lot of money, may not be rich, but many are tens of millions of net worth. They are earning money at the same time, many people neglect to guide the next generation. Therefore, many Chinese "rich second generation" are a VIP casino. One to the evening, you can see a lot of open-Benz, BMW, Volvo, small groups of Chinese young men and women to enter the casino VIP room.
Johannesburg, "South African Chinese reported" often writing to persuade the Chinese away from the local casinos, but casinos in the Chinese but never less than. Chinese in South Africa as one of the main targets of robbery, a large reason is that too many Chinese big spenders in the casino. And many in Chinatown kidnapping, extortion, murder and gambling are related.

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